Starting in 2024, the minimum wage for ECEs in Ontario will increase.

Starting in 2024, the minimum wage for ECEs in Ontario will increase. Beginning in 2024, Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs) in Ontario will receive a new minimum wage increase of $3.86 per hour, according to the provincial government. Education Minister Stephen Lecce announced on November 16, 2023, an increase in the starting hourly minimum wage for RECEs from $20 to $23.86. With the exception of the Greater Toronto Area, all provincial regions now pay beginning RECEs the new minimum wage in Ontario, which brings their pay up to par with the new living wages. Beginning in 2024, the Ontario government will implement five new strategies as part of a comprehensive plan to increase the number of child care workers and safeguard children. These strategies are as follows: The Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) system across Canada is raising the starting pay for RECEs working for child care operators from $20 per hour to $23.86 per hour. 1) extending the d...